Find the maximum slice

This processor simply iterates over all slices in each pixel and stores the maximum amplitude of all pixels. At first we need to get the actual telescope data from the input. The data is stored in one large 1D array of constant length. Once the maximum is found we put it back into the input. Now heres the catch. Since you can only store things of type Serializable into the map we cannot use a primitive double variable but the corresponding Double object.

    package fact.features;

    //imports ...

     * Documentation goes here
    public class MaxAmp implements Processor {

      private String key = "DataCalibrated";
      private String outputKey = "maximum_amplitude;

      public Data process(Data item) {
        // get the data from the input
        double[] data = (double[]) input.get(key);
        // here we save the amplitude
        Double maxAmplitude = 0;

        //get the roi. The Region of interest. Thats the length of an event in slices
        int roi = (Integer) input.get("NROI");
        // for each pixel
        for(int pix = 0 ; pix < Constants.NUMBEROFPIXELS; pix++){
          //get the position of the first slice of pixel pix in the 1D array.
          int position = pix*roi;
          //iterate over all slices
          for(int slice = position; slice < position + roi; slice ++){
            //and find the maximum
            if(data[slice] > maxAmplitude){
              maxAmplitude = data[slice]

        //now we save the amplitude under the name outputKey in the map and return the input
        input.put(outputKey, maxAmplitude)

We use two loops here to exemplify how to iterate over each pixel separately event though this could easily be accomplished in a single loop. Another way to make this a bit quicker would be to store the maximum amplitude in a primitive double and then cast it to a Double before storing it in the map. You can read this discussion on the primitive types vs Number Objects in the Java programming language.

If you don’t worry about runtime and memory consumption you can also iterate over the pixel data by using the methods provided by the FactPixelMap singelton.

        int roi = (Integer) input.get("NROI");
        for (FactCameraPixel p : map.pixelArray){
            double[] pixelData = p.getPixelData(data, roi);

This creates a copy of the data for the specified pixel.