Standard Settings

The settings for the standard analysis are defined in the classpath:/default/ (respectively classpath:/default/ files. (To remember the classpath can be found under src/main/resources) They can be used in any xml file, with the following line:

<properties url="classpath:/default/" />

Each property can be overwritten by specifing the defintion of the property later:

<properties url="classpath:/default/" />
<property name="TwoLevelTimeNeighbor.coreThreshold" value="5.0" />

Now follows the specification of the settings:

Name Description Used in the MCs?
Calibration Settings
prevEvents_limitEvents Maximum number of startcell arrays of previous events are stored (and used for the jump removal) False
patchJumpRemoval_jumpLimit Minimal voltage difference for considering if there is a jump False
removeSpikes_leftBorder Left border of the window in the roi in which spikes are removed True
removeSpikes_spikeLimit Minimal voltage difference at the edge of spikes True
removeSpikes_topSlopeLimit Maximal voltage difference at the top of spikes True
removeSpikes_maxSpikeLength Maximal lenght of spikes True
interpolateBadPixel_badChidIDs chid ids of bad pixels, which will be interpolated True
Extraction Settings
basicExtraction_startSearchWindow Left border of the search window for the max amplitude of the pulse True
basicExtraction_rangeSearchWindow Range of the search window for the max amplitude of the pulse True
basicExtraction_rangeHalfHeigthWindow Range of the search window in front of the max amplitude for the half height of the pulse True
risingEdgePolynomFit_numberOfPoints Number of points used for the polynom fit, to determine the rising edge of the pulse True
Cleaning Settings
twoLevelTimeNeighbor_coreThreshold threshold for identifying core pixels True
twoLevelTimeNeighbor_neighborThreshold threshold for identifying neighbor pixels True
twoLevelTimeNeighbor_timeLimit limit for the time difference between neighboring pixels True
twoLevelTimeNeighbor_minNumberOfPixel Minimum number of pixels in a cluster True
Outputkeys Settings
event_param Outputkeys describing the event False
tracking_param Outputkeys describing the drive parameters True
stat* Outputkeys, describing several stastical features of the pulse extraction True
shower_param Outputkeys describing the identified shower True
conc_param Outputkeys describing concentration parameters True
spread_param Outputkeys describing spread parameters True
time_gradient Outputkeys describing the time gradient fit True
sourcePos Outputkeys for the sourcePositions True
alpha Outputkeys Alpha True
distance Outputkeys distance True
cosdeltaalpha Outputkeys cosdeltaalpha True
theta Outputkeys theta True
keysForOutput Combination of all outputkeys True