
SFB 876 - News

PAMONO Sensor Data 100nm_27Sep13_exp2

Name PAMONO Sensor Data 100nm_27Sep13_exp2

Update: Please use the most recent version 2.0 of these datasets, linked below:
Version 2.0 of each dataset (incl. documentation) can be found here:
PAMONO Dataset Documentation [v2.0]: http://sfb876.tu-dortmund.de/auto?self=%24f5brxkwnpc
PAMONO Sensor Data 100nm_27Sep13_exp2 [v2.0]: http://sfb876.tu-dortmund.de/auto?self=%24f5bo6q3gg0
PAMONO Sensor Data 100nm_27Sep13_exp3 [v2.0]: http://sfb876.tu-dortmund.de/auto?self=%24f5bop820ow
PAMONO Sensor Data 200nm_10Apr13 [v2.0]: http://sfb876.tu-dortmund.de/auto?self=%24f5bqzcj08w
PAMONO Sensor Data 200nm_11Apr13_1 [v2.0]: http://sfb876.tu-dortmund.de/auto?self=%24f5br8f0hkw
PAMONO Sensor Data 200nm_11Apr13_2 [v2.0]: http://sfb876.tu-dortmund.de/auto?self=%24f5brftvegw

The following text refers to v1.0 of the datasets. Please use the most recent version v2.0 (linked above) instead.

Stated on a high level of abstraction, the task is to identify the appearance of nano-particles (e.g. viruses) in a time-series of images. The desired signal is multiplicatively linked to a background signal of considerably larger amplitude with added noise.

A more detailed description of the task to be solved is given in the following papers:

Siedhoff, D., Weichert, F., Libuschewski, P., & Timm, C. (2011). Detection and classification of nano-objects in biosensor data. Microscop Image Anal Appl Biol, 1-6.
available from http://www.miaab.org/miaab-2011-heidelberg-papers/miaab-2011-h-siedhoff.pdf


Libuschewski, P., Siedhoff, D., Timm, C., Gelenberg, A. and Weichert, F. (2013). Fuzzy-enhanced, real-time capable detection of biological viruses using a portable biosensor. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSIGNALS)

A sensor model can be found in

Siedhoff, D., Libuschewski, P., Weichert, F., Zybin, A., Marwedel, P., & Müller, H. (2014). Modellierung und Optimierung eines Biosensors zur Detektion viraler Strukturen. In Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2014 (pp. 108-113). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
available from http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-54111-7_24

[for more information, refer to the file "documentation.txt" in the dataset "PAMONO Dataset Documentation"]

License This 100nm_27Sep13_exp2.zip is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/
DOIMetaData PAMONO Sensor Data 100nm_27Sep13_exp2
Citation Siedhoff, Dominic; Zybin, Alexander; Shpacovitch, Victoria; Libuschewski, Pascal(2014):PAMONO Sensor Data 100nm_27Sep13_exp2.SFB876 Project B2.doi:10.15467/e9ofalaebk
Authors Siedhoff, Dominic and Zybin, Alexander and Shpacovitch, Victoria and Libuschewski, Pascal
Contact Dr. Siedhoff, Dominic
SFB Part Project SFB876-B2
DatasetFile 100nm_27Sep13_exp2.zip (2075784 KB)