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Boerner/etal/2017a: Measurement/Simulation Mismatches and Multivariate Data Discretization in the Machine Learning Era

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Boerner/etal/2017a
Author M. Börner and T. Hoinka and M. Meier and T. Menne and W. Rhode and K. Morik
Editor Pascal Ballester and Jorge Ibsen and Mauricio Solar and Keith Shortridge
Title Measurement/Simulation Mismatches and Multivariate Data Discretization in the Machine Learning Era
Booktitle Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS XXVII)
Series ASP Conference Series
Volume 522
Pages 431--434
Organization Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Year 2019
Projekt SFB876-C3
boerner_etal_2017a.pdf [366 KB]
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