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Ethan Tu, Taiwan AI Labs, OH 14, E04

Event Date: September 17, 2019 11:0

The Advantages of Taiwan - Prospects for Development of AI

Abstract - Taiwan, one of the best freedom country in Asia with merely 23 million populations. There are many reasons make the small democracy country has amazing advantages of AI development. For example, a lot of talent in science and technology, comprehensive aggregated data, integration of software hardware, and so on. But the most important advantage is the value of humanity and integrity, which bring the AI solution to the world.

CV - Ethan Tu is an AI guru in Taiwan and formally worked as a principal development manager at US-based tech giant Microsoft Corp. He is also well-known as the founder of PTT, which has grown into one of Taiwan’s most influential online forums since its launch in 1995. In 2016 he founded the Taiwan AI Labs (https://ailabs.tw/) to leverage unique advantages in Taiwan to build AI solutions to solve the world’s problems, e.g., healthcare system, smart city solutions and social natural conversations


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