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Tim Ruhe elected spokesperson of the AKPIK in the German Physical Society

February 4, 2021 15:45

In January, Tim Ruhe, PI in project C3 was elected spokesperson of the working group on Physics, modern IT and Artificial Intelligence (AKPIK) within the German Physical Society (DPG). The AKPIK is an interdisciplinary forum of scientists, which addresses current questions in the intersection of data-intense analyses in physics and machine learning.

Chances and risks in the application of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms is discussed in a close collaboration with Computer Scientists and representatives from industry 4.0. Furthermore, suggestions for the competences and profiles of Data Scientists are worked out. Together with Katharina Morik, Tim Ruhe is the second member of the CRC joining the board of the AKPIK. As the successor of Prof. Dr. Martin Erdmann (RWTH Aachen), Tim Ruhe will initially hold the position as spokesperson for one year.


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