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Prof. Jian-Jia Chen (A1 and A3) receives the ERC Consolidator Award 2019

December 20, 2019 16:39

Prof. Jian-Jia Chen (Principle Investigator of sub-projects A1 and A3 in SFB876) receives the ERC (European Research Council) Consolidator Award 2019 for his project "PropRT - Property-Based Modulable Timing Analysis and Optimization for Complex Cyber-Physical Real-Time Systems.” The grant is about 2 Million Euros for a period of 5 years. Prof. Chen expressed that, “It is my honor to be granted with the ERC Consolidator Award.”

PropRT will explore the possibilities to construct timing analysis for complex cyber-physical real-time systems from formal properties. The target properties should be modular so that safe and tight analysis as well as optimization can be performed (semi-)automatically. New, mathematical, modulable, and fundamental properties for property-based (schedulability) timing analyses and scheduling optimizations are needed to capture the pivotal properties of cyber-physical real-time systems, and thus enable mathematical and algorithmic research on the topic. Different flexibility and tradeoff options to achieve real-time guarantees should be provided in a modularized manner to enable tradeoffs between execution efficiency and timing predictability.

Part of the preliminary results of the project were supported in the scope of SFB876.

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