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Dr. Kuan-Hsun Chen receives dissertation award

December 19, 2019 9:32

Dr. Kuan-Hsun Chen completed his doctorate on “Optimization and Analysis for Dependable Application Software on Unreliable Hardware Platforms” with a distinction (summa cum laude). He also received one of the dissertation prices at the TU Dortmund’s academic anniversary celebrations on 16 December 2019.

In the doctoral dissertation, Kuan-Hsun Chen dealt with Real-Time Systems under threats of soft-errors. He has considered how soft-errors can be handled and analyzed in such a way that both timeliness and functional correctness can be guaranteed at the same time. Such problems usually can be found in safety critical systems, e.g., computing systems in automotive systems, nuclear plants, and avionic systems. In addition, he also served in Collaborative Research Center SFB 876 and optimized a few Machine Learning models under various resource constraints. After his doctorate, he continues to work as a postdoctoral researcher in "Design Automation for Embedded Systems Group" at TU Dortmund and collaborates with several members in Collaborative Research Center SFB 876 for Machine Learning on Cyber-Physical Systems.

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