April 11, 2017 17:29
Big data in machine learning is the future. But how to deal with data analysis and limited resources: Computational power, data distribution, energy or memory? From September 25th to 28th, TU Dortmund University, Germany, hosts the 4th summer school on resource-aware machine learning. Further information and online registration at: http://sfb876.tu-dortmund.de/SummerSchool2017
Topics of the lectures include: Machine learning on FPGAs, Deep Learning, Probabilistic Graphical Models and Ultra Low Power Learning.
Exercises help bringing the contents of the lectures to life. The PhyNode low power computation platform was developed at the collaborative research center SFB 876. It enables sensing and machine learning for transport and logistic scenarios. These devices provide the background for hands-on experiments with the nodes in the freshly built logistics test lab. Solve prediction tasks under very constrained resources and balance accuracy versus energy.
The summer school is open to advanced graduate, post-graduate students as well as industry professionals from across the globe, who are eager to learn about cutting edge techniques for machine learning with constrained resources.
Excellent students may apply for a student grant supporting travel and accommodation. Deadline for application is July 15th.