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Wissenswerte Bremen - There and back

December 4, 2013 15:47

The collaborative research center SFB 876 is back from the two day fair Wissenswerte in Bremen. During the event the SFB's research has been presented with the larger scope of Big Data - small devices. Experiments and demonstrations enabled a clear view on both ends of the spectrum for science journalists.

Project A4 - Plattform presented waste of energy in recent mobile network technology with visible excess heat. Especially during fairs and conferences the problem of suboptimal energy management in mobile devices becomes obvious with the need to recharge often. Project B2 - Nano brought the complete system setup to Bremen and showed the full range of research challenges, from camera and detector technology to data analysis.

For big and complex data the projects C1 - DimRed and C3 - RaumZeit delivered the background. The mere amount of data points per patient in contrast to the low number of severe incidences per year depcited how important a reliable and stable analysis is for neuroblastoma risk prognosis.

Highly relevant are also the big data analysis results in C3, as just recently the detection of high-energetic neutrinos has been confirmed by the IceCube collaboration.

Mobile network emulator Talks during the fair Table and TU-Logo

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