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2nd MODAP-MOVE Summer School on Privacy-aware Social Mining

April 2, 2012 14:58

Leysin, Switzerland, 1-6 July 2012

Deadline for grant application: 25 April, 2012
Deadline for registration: 15 May, 2012

The 2nd Summer School on Mobility, Data Mining, and Privacy is co-organized by the FP7/ICT project MODAP - Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy - and the COST Action IC0903 MOVE - Knowledge Discovery from Moving Objects. It is also supported by the FP7/Marie Curie project SEEK and by CUSO, a coordination body for western Switzerland universities

The specific focus of this edition is on privacy-aware social mining, i.e. how to discover the patterns and models of social complexity from the digital traces of our life, in a privacy preserving way.


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