December 6, 2011 13:15
The international summer university will take place from August 20th to August 31st 2012 in the Department for Mathematics and Informatics.
Women experts from science and practice may submit their contributions concerning
recent or basic topics from the field of Computer Sciences until January 31st
2012. Proposals from the broad array of Informatics and its interdisciplinary
relations are welcome. We are also looking for lecturers with contributions
concerning studying, working and career. Informatica Feminale is part of the
regular course program at University of Bremen. Therefore, teaching assignment can
be given to lecturers. A program committee will make the selection of
contributions. Course languages are German and English.
There will be several possibilities for lectures and presentations during the
summer university for which we also search for contributions. Presentations with a
length of 30 to 60 minutes from lecturers of all fields are welcome.
We would like to point out the carrer fair 'Jobforum' of both Informatica Feminale
and Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni on August 22nd 2012 for interested human resource
representatives. Furthermore there will be various chances to talk to graduates
during the whole summer university.
Informatica Feminale a place for experimentation, with the intention to develop
and imply new impulses in Informatics (Computer Science). It is also aiming at
professional networking of students as well as the extra occupational training of
women computer scientists on an academic level.
Please forward this Call for Contributions to interested colleagues, co-workers
and students.
Further information and the application form can be found here: