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Talukder/etal/2021b: Modifications of the PAMONO-Sensor Help to Size and Quantify Low Number of Individual Biological and Non-Biological Nano-Particles

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Talukder/etal/2021b
Author Talukder, Rahat Morad and Rakib, Al Shahriar Hossain and Skolnik, Julija and Usfoor, Zohair and Kaufmann, Katharina and Hergenröder, Roland and Shpacovitch, Victoria
Title Modifications of the PAMONO-Sensor Help to Size and Quantify Low Number of Individual Biological and Non-Biological Nano-Particles
Journal Engineering Proceedings
Volume 6
Number 1
Year 2021
Projekt SFB876-B2
Doi https://doi.org/10.3390/I3S2021Dresden-10136
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