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Oeck/etal/2020a: Streamlining Quantitative Analysis of Long RNA Sequencing Reads

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Oeck/etal/2020a
Author Oeck, Sebastian and Tüns, Alicia I. and Hurst, Sebastian and Schramm, Alexander
Title Streamlining Quantitative Analysis of Long RNA Sequencing Reads
Journal International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Volume 21
Number 19
Abstract Transcriptome analyses allow for linking RNA expression profiles to cellular pathways and phenotypes. Despite improvements in sequencing methodology, whole transcriptome analyses are still tedious, especially for methodologies producing long reads. Currently, available data analysis software often lacks cost- and time-efficient workflows. Although kit-based workflows and benchtop platforms for RNA sequencing provide software options, e.g., cloud-based tools to analyze basecalled reads, quantitative, and easy-to-use solutions for transcriptome analysis, especially for non-human data, are missing. We therefore developed a user-friendly tool, termed Alignator, for rapid analysis of long RNA reads requiring only FASTQ files and an Ensembl cDNA database reference. After successful mapping, Alignator generates quantitative information for each transcript and provides a table in which sequenced and aligned RNA are stored for further comparative analyses.
Year 2020
Projekt SFB876-C1
Url https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/19/7259
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