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Schramm/etal/2007a: Translating expression profiling into a clinically feasible test to predict neuroblastoma outcome

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Schramm/etal/2007a
Author Schramm, A. and Vandesompele, J. and Schulte, J. H. and Dreesmann, S. and Kaderali, L. and Brors, B. and Eils, R. and Speleman, F. and Eggert, A.
Title Translating expression profiling into a clinically feasible test to predict neuroblastoma outcome
Journal Clinical Cancer Research
Volume 13
Number 5
Pages 1459-65
Year 2007
Projekt SFB876-C1
schramm_etal_2007a.pdf [224 KB]
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