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Baumbach/etal/2007a: IMS2 -- An integrated medical software system for early lung cancer detection using ion mobility spectrometry data of human breath

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Baumbach/etal/2007a
Author Jan Baumbach and Alexander Bunkowski and Sita Lange and Timm Oberwahrenbrock and Nils Kleinbölting and Sven Rahmann and Jörg Ingo Baumbach
Title {IMS2} -- An integrated medical software system for early lung cancer detection using ion mobility spectrometry data of human breath
Journal Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics
Volume 4
Pages Article 75
Abstract IMS2 is an Integrated Medical Software system for the analysis of Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) data. It assists medical staff with the following IMS data processing steps: acquisition, visualization, classification, and annotation. IMS2 provides data analysis and interpretation features on the one hand, and also helps to improve the classification by increasing the number of the pre-classified datasets on the other hand. It is designed to facilitate early detection of lung cancer, one of the most common cancer types with one million deaths each year around the world. After reviewing the IMS technology, we first describe the software architecture of IMS2 and then the integrated classification module, including necessary pre-processing steps and different classification methods. The Lung Hospital Hemer (Germany) provided IMS data of 35 patients suffering from lung cancer and 72 samples of healthy persons. IMS2 correctly classifies 99% of the samples, evaluated using 10-fold cross-validation.
Year 2007
Projekt SFB876-B1
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