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Ebbrecht/Chen/2020a: Bucket of Ignorance: A Hybrid Data Structure for Timing Mechanism in Real-Time Operating Systems

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Ebbrecht/Chen/2020a
Author Ebbrecht, Marcel and Chen, Kuan-Hsun and Chen, Jian-Jia
Title Bucket of Ignorance: A Hybrid Data Structure for Timing Mechanism in Real-Time Operating Systems
Booktitle 26th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Brief Presentations Track (BP)
Publisher IEEE
Abstract To maintain deterministic timing behaviors, RealTime Operating Systems (RTOSes) require not only a task scheduler but also a timing mechanism for the periodicity of recurrent tasks. Most of existing open-source RTOSes implement either a tree-based or a list-based mechanism to track which task is ready to release on-the-fly. Although tree-based mechanisms are known to be efficient in time complexity for searching operations, the additional effort processing removals and insertions are also not negligible, which may countervail the advantage, compared to list-based timer-managers, even with small task sets. In this work, we provide a simulation framework, which is ready to be released, to investigate existing timing mechanisms and analyze how do they perform under certain conditions. Throughout extensive simulations, we show that our proposed solution indeed requires less computation effort than conventional timing mechanisms when the size of task set is in the range of 16 to 208.
Year 2020
Projekt SFB876-A1
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