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Ackermann/etal/2018a: A mechanistic classification of clinical phenotypes in neuroblastoma

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Ackermann/etal/2018a
Author Ackermann, S. and Cartolano, M. and Hero, B. and Welte, A. and Kahlert, Y. and Roderwieser, A. and Bartenhagen, C. and Walter, E. and Gecht, J. and Kerschke, L. and Volland, R. and Menon, R. and Heuckmann, J. M. and Gartlgruber, M. and Hartlieb, S. and Henrich, K. O. and Okonechnikov, K. and Altmuller, J. and Nurnberg, P. and Lefever, S. and de Wilde, B. and Sand, F. and Ikram, F. and Rosswog, C. and Fischer, J. and Theissen, J. and Hertwig, F. and Singhi, A. D. and Simon, T. and Vogel, W. and Perner, S. and Krug, B. and Schmidt, M. and Rahmann, S. and Achter, V. and Lang, U. and Vokuhl, C. and Ortmann, M. and Buttner, R. and Eggert, A. and Speleman, F. and O'Sullivan, R. J. and Thomas, R. K. and Berthold, F. and Vandesompele, J. and Schramm, A. and Westermann, F. and Schulte, J. H. and Peifer, M. and Fischer, M.
Title A mechanistic classification of clinical phenotypes in neuroblastoma
Journal Science
Volume 362
Number 6419
Pages 1165--1170
Month 12
Year 2018
Projekt SFB876-C1
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