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Pfahler/Richter/2020a: Interpretable Nearest Neighbor Queries for Tree-Structured Data in Vector Databases of Graph-Neural Network Embeddings

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Pfahler/Richter/2020a
Author Lukas Pfahler and Jan Richter
Editor Alexandra Poulovassilis and David Auber and Nikos Bikakis and Panos K. Chrysanthis and George Papastefanatos and Mohamed A. Sharaf and Nikos Pelekis and Chiara Renso and Yannis Theodoridis and Karine Zeitouni and Tania Cerquitelli and Silvia Chiusano and Genoveva Vargas{-}Solar and Behrooz Omidvar{-}Tehrani and Katharina Morik and Jean{-}Michel Renders and Donatella Firmani and Letizia Tanca and Davide Mottin and Matteo Lissandrini and Yannis Velegrakis
Title Interpretable Nearest Neighbor Queries for Tree-Structured Data in Vector Databases of Graph-Neural Network Embeddings
Booktitle Proceedings of International Workshop on Explainability for Trustworthy ML Pipelines (ETMLP-2020)
Series {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings
Publisher CEUR-WS.org
Year 2020
Projekt SFB876-A1
Url http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2578/ETMLP1.pdf
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