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Hakert/Yayla/2019a: Stack Usage Analysis for Efficient Wear Leveling in Non-Volatile Main Memory Systems

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Hakert/Yayla/2019a
Author Hakert, Christian and Yayla, Mikail and Chen, Kuan-Hsun and Brueggen, Georg von der and Chen, Jian-Jia and Buschjaeger, Sebastian and Morik, Katharina and Genssler, Paul R. and Bauer, Lars and Amrouch, Hussam and Henkel, Joerg
Title Stack Usage Analysis for Efficient Wear Leveling in Non-Volatile Main Memory Systems
Booktitle 1st ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD (MLCAD)
Year 2019
Projekt SFB876-A1
Url https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9142113
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