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Morik/etal/2009a: Research Challenges in Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery

Bibtype Inbook
Bibkey Morik/etal/2009a
Author May, Michael and Berendt, Bettina and Cornuejols, Antoine and Gama, Joao and Giannotti, Fosca and Hotho, Andreas and Malerba, Donato and Menesalvas, Ernestina and Morik, Katharina and Pedersen, Rasmus and Saitta, Lorenza and Saygin, Yucel and Schuster, Assaf and Vanhoof, Koen
Editor Kargupta and Han and Yu and Motwani and Kumar
Title Research Challenges in Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery
Booktitle Next Generation of Data Mining
Pages 131--151
Publisher CRC Press
Year 2009
Projekt SFB876-A1
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