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Sliwa/Wietfeld/2019c: LIMoSim: A Framework for Lightweight Simulation of Vehicular Mobility in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Bibtype Incollection
Bibkey Sliwa/Wietfeld/2019c
Author Benjamin Sliwa and Christian Wietfeld
Editor Antonio Virdis and Michael Kirsche
Title LIMoSim: A Framework for Lightweight Simulation of Vehicular Mobility in Intelligent Transportation Systems
Booktitle Recent Advances in Network Simulation: The OMNeT++ Environment and its Ecosystem
Pages 347--363
Publisher Springer International Publishing
Abstract With the convergence of mobility and communication in modern Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), researchers and developers require simulation tools that are capable of bringing both worlds together. Unlike existing approaches that couple specialized simulators using Inter-Process Communication (IPC), the proposed Lightweight Information and Communications Technology-centric Mobility Simulation (LIMoSim) uses a shared codebase for mobility and communication algorithms, enabling interactions between both worlds in a native way and offering transparent integration of vehicular mobility for all INET-based extension frameworks. The proposed framework relies on selected, well-known analytical models and requires only a single process for the actual execution of the simulation runs, thus enabling lean setups without synchronization-related overhead. In this chapter, we introduce LIMoSim and its possible applications using different case-studies.
Month 05
Year 2019
Projekt SFB876-B4
Isbn 978-3-030-12842-5
Url https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12842-5_11
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