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Dorner/etal/2017a: First study of combined blazar light curves with FACT and HAWC

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Dorner/etal/2017a
Author Dorner, D. and Lauer, R.~J. and FACT Collaboration and Adam, J. and Ahnen, M. and Baack, D. and Balbo, M. and Bergmann, M. and Biland, A. and Blank, M. and Bretz, T. and Brügge, K. and Buss, J. and Dmytiiev, A. and Einecke, S. and Hempfling, C. and Hildebrand, D. and Hughes, G. and Linhoff, L. and Mannheim, K. and Müller, S. and Neise, D. and {Neronov}, A. and {Noethe}, M. and Paravac, A. and Pauss, F. and Rhode, W. and Shukla, A. and Temme, F. and Thaele, J. and Walter, R. and HAWC Collaboration
Title {First study of combined blazar light curves with FACT and HAWC}
Booktitle Procs. of 6th GAMMA
Volume 1792
Month January
Year 2017
Projekt SFB876-C3
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