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Bruegge/etal/2015a: FACT-Tools: Streamed Real-Time Data Analysis

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Bruegge/etal/2015a
Author {Brügge}, K.~A. and {Ahnen}, M.~L. and {Balbo}, M. and {Bergmann}, M. and {Buss}, J. and {Biland}, A. and {Bockermann}, C. and {Bretz}, T. and {Dorner}, D. and {Freiwald}, J. and {Einecke}, S. and {Toscano}, S. and {Thaele}, J. and {Temme}, F. and {Hempfling}, C. and {Hildebrand}, D. and {Hughes}, G. and {Lustermann}, W. and {Mannheim}, K. and {Meier}, K. and {Morik}, K. and {Neise}, D. and {Müller}, S. and {Neronov}, A. and {Noethe}, M. and {Overkemping}, A.~K. and {Paravac}, A. and {Pauss}, F. and {Walter}, R. and {Rhode}, W. and {Wilbert}, A. and {Vogler}, P.
Title {FACT-Tools}: Streamed Real-Time Data Analysis
Booktitle International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015)
Month July
Year 2015
Projekt SFB876-C3
Url https://pos.sissa.it/236/865/
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