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Cumeras/etal/2015b: Trying to detect gas-phase ions? Understanding Ion Mobility Spectrometry Part 2: Hyphenated Methods and Effects of Experimental Parameters

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Cumeras/etal/2015b
Author Cumeras, R. and Figueras, E. and Davis, C. E. and Baumbach, J. I. and Gràcia, I.
Title Trying to detect gas-phase ions? Understanding Ion Mobility Spectrometry Part 2: Hyphenated Methods and Effects of Experimental Parameters
Journal Analyst
Volume 140
Number 5
Pages 1391--1410
Month Mar
Year 2015
Projekt SFB876-B1
Url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4331244/
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