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Johansson/etal/2016a: Recurrent alterations of TNFAIP3 (A20) in T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Johansson/etal/2016a
Author Johansson, Patricia and Bergmann, Anke and Rahmann, Sven and Wohlers, Inken and Scholtysik, René and Przekopowitz, Martina and Seifert, Marc and Tschurtschenthaler, Gertraud and Webersinke, Gerald and Jäger, Ulrich and Siebert, Reiner and Klein-Hitpass, Ludger and Dührsen, Ulrich and Dürig, Jan and Küppers, Ralf
Title Recurrent alterations of {TNFAIP3 (A20)} in {T-cell} large granular lymphocytic leukemia
Journal International Journal of Cancer
Volume 138
Number 1
Pages 121--124
Year 2016
Projekt sfb876-c1
Url http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ijc.29697
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