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Riehl/Schulte/2016a: The mitochondrial genetic landscape in neuroblastoma from tumor initiation to relapse

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Riehl/Schulte/2016a
Author Riehl, Lara and Schulte, Johannes and Mulaw, Medhanie and Dahlhaus, Maike and Fischer, Matthias and Schramm, Alexander and Eggert, Angelika and Debatin, Klaus-Michael and Beltinger, Christian
Title The mitochondrial genetic landscape in neuroblastoma from tumor initiation to relapse
Journal Oncotarget
Volume 7
Pages 6620-6625
Abstract Little is known about changes within the mitochondrial (mt) genome during tumor progression in general and during initiation and progression of neuroblastoma (NB) in particular. Whole exome sequencing of corresponding healthy tissue, primary tumor and relapsed tumor from 16 patients with NB revealed that most NB harbor tumor-specific mitochondrial variants. In relapsed tumors, the status of mt variants changed in parallel to the status of nuclear variants, as shown by increased number and spatio-temporal differences of tumor-specific variants, and by a concomitant decrease of germline variants. As mt variants are present in most NB patients, change during relapse and have a higher copy number compared to nuclear variants, they represent a promising new source of biomarkers for monitoring and phylogenetic analysis of NB.
Month Jan
Year 2016
Projekt SFB876-C1
Url doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.6776
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