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Kotthaus/etal/2017a: RAMBO: Resource-Aware Model-Based Optimization with Scheduling for Heterogeneous Runtimes and a Comparison with Asynchronous Model-Based Optimization

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Kotthaus/etal/2017a
Author Kotthaus, Helena and Richter, Jakob and Lang, Andreas and Thomas, Janek and Bischl, Bernd and Marwedel, Peter and Rahnenführer, Jörg and Lang, Michel
Title RAMBO: Resource-Aware Model-Based Optimization with Scheduling for Heterogeneous Runtimes and a Comparison with Asynchronous Model-Based Optimization
Booktitle Procs. of the 11th LION
Pages 180-195
Year 2017
Projekt SFB876-A3
Url https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/rambo-resource-aware-model-based-optimization-with-scheduling-fo/15164982
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