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Libuschewski/2017a: Exploration of Cyber-Physical Systems for GPGPU Computer Vision-Based Detection of Biological Viruses

Bibtype Phdthesis
Bibkey Libuschewski/2017a
Author Libuschewski, Pascal
Title Exploration of Cyber-Physical Systems for GPGPU Computer Vision-Based Detection of Biological Viruses
School TU Dortmund
Address Dortmund, Germany
Publisher Department of Computer Science
Abstract This work presents a method for a computer vision-based detection of biological viruses in PAMONO sensor images and, related to this, methods to explore cyber-physical systems such as those consisting of the PAMONO sensor, the detection software, and processing hardware. The focus is especially on an exploration of Graphics Processing Units (GPU) hardware for ``General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units'' (GPGPU) software and the targeted systems are high performance servers, desktop systems, mobile systems, and hand-held systems.
Year 2017
Projekt SFB876-B2
Url http://dx.doi.org/10.17877/DE290R-17952
libuschewski_2017a.pdf [15424 KB]
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