Abstract |
Formal models used for representing recurrent real-time pro-cesses have traditionally been characterized by a collection ofjobs that are released periodically. However, such a model-ing may result in resource under-utilization in systems whosebehaviors are not entirely periodic. For instance, tasks incyber-physical system (CPS) may change their service levels,e.g., periods and/or execution times, to adapt to the changesof environments. In this work, we study a model that is ageneralization of the periodic task model, called multi-modetask model: a task has several modes specied with dierentexecution times and periods to switch during runtime, inde-pendent of other tasks. Moreover, we study the problemof allocating a set of multi-mode tasks on a homogeneousmultiprocessor system. We present a scheduling algorithmusing any reasonable allocation decreasing (RAD) algorithmfor task allocations for scheduling multi-mode tasks on mul-tiprocessor systems. We prove that this algorithm achieves38% utilization for implicit-deadline rate-monotonic (RM)scheduled multi-mode tasks on multiprocessor systems.