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Lee/etal/2015b: Fast Saddle-Point Algorithm for Generalized Dantzig Selector and FDR Control with the Ordered $\ell_1$-Norm

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Lee/etal/2015b
Author Lee, Sangkyun and Brzyski, Damian and Bogdan, Malgorzata
Title Fast Saddle-Point Algorithm for Generalized {Dantzig} Selector and {FDR} Control with the Ordered $\ell_1$-Norm
Booktitle 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
Year 2015
Projekt SFB876-C1
Url http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05864
lee_etal_2015b.pdf [521 KB]
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