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Kotthaus/2015a: Performance Analysis for Parallel R Programs: Towards Efficient Resource Utilization

Bibtype Techreport
Bibkey Kotthaus/2015a
Author Kotthaus, Helena and Korb, Ingo and Marwedel, Peter
Title Performance Analysis for Parallel R Programs: Towards Efficient Resource Utilization
Number 1
Institution Department of Computer Science 12, TU Dortmund University
Year 2015
Projekt SFB876-A3
Url https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299350092_Performance_Analysis_for_Parallel_R_ProgramsTowards_Efficient_Resource_Utilization?channel=doi&linkId=56f1857908aee9c94cfd6cc6&showFulltext=true
kotthaus_2015a.pdf [894 KB]
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