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Overkemping/2015a: Messages from a Black Hole - A long-term analysis of the Active Galactic Nucleus Markarian 421 in the light of ?-rays measured by MAGIC-I

Bibtype Phdthesis
Bibkey Overkemping/2015a
Author Overkemping, A.
Title Messages from a Black Hole - A long-term analysis of the Active Galactic Nucleus Markarian 421 in the light of ?-rays measured by MAGIC-I
School Technische Universität Dortmund
Address Dortmund, Germany
Year 2015
Projekt SFB876-C3
Url https://eldorado.tu-dortmund.de/handle/2003/34073
overkemping_2015a.pdf [9843 KB]
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