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Libuschewski/etal/2014b: Multi-Objective Energy-Aware GPGPU Design Space Exploration for Medical or Industrial Applications

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Libuschewski/etal/2014b
Author Libuschewski, Pascal and Marwedel, Peter and Siedhoff, Dominic and Müller, Heinrich
Editor IEEE Computer Society
Title Multi-Objective Energy-Aware {GPGPU} Design Space Exploration for Medical or Industrial Applications
Booktitle Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), 2014 Tenth International Conference on
Pages 637-644
Publisher IEEE Computer Society
Abstract This work presents a multi-objective design space exploration for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). For any given GPGPU application, a Pareto front of best suited GPUs can be calculated. The objectives can be chosen according to the demands of the system, for example energy efficiency, run time and real-time capability. The simulated GPUs can be desktop, high performance or mobile versions. Also GPUs that do not yet exist can be modeled and simulated.
The main application area for the presented approach is the identification of suitable GPU hardware for given medical or industrial applications, e.g. for real-time process control or in healthcare sensor environments. As use case a real-time capable medical biosensor program for an automatic detection of pathogens and a wide variety of industrial, biological and physical applications were evaluated.
Year 2014
Projekt SFB876-B2
Url http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SITIS.2014.11
libuschewski_etal_2014b.pdf [380 KB]
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