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Fink/etal/2014b: Volatile Organic Compounds during Inflammation and Sepsis in Rats: A Potential Breath Test Using Ion-mobility Spectrometry

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Fink/etal/2014b
Author Fink, Tobias and Wolf, Alexander and Maurer, Felix and Albrecht, Frederic W. and Heim, Nathalie and Wolf, Beate and Hauschild, Anne C. and Bödeker, Bertram and Baumbach, Jörg I. and Volk, Thomas and Sessler, Daniel I. and Kreuer, Sascha
Title Volatile Organic Compounds during Inflammation and Sepsis in Rats: A Potential Breath Test Using Ion-mobility Spectrometry
Journal Anesthesiology
Year 2014
Projekt SFB876-B1
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