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wolf/etal/2014a: Multi-capillary column-ion mobility spectrometer (MCC-IMS) breath analysis in ventilated rats: a model with the feasibility of long-term measurements

Bibtype Article
Bibkey wolf/etal/2014a
Author A Wolf1, J I Baumbach2,3, A Kleber1, F Maurer1,4, S Maddula3, P Favrod4,5, M Jang4, T Fink1, T Volk1 and S Kreuer1 1
Title Multi-capillary column-ion mobility spectrometer (MCC-IMS) breath analysis in ventilated rats: a model with the feasibility of long-term measurements
Journal Journal of Breath Research
Year 2014
Projekt SFB876-B1
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