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Niehoefer/etal/2013b: Smart Constellation Selection for Precise Vehicle Positioning in Urban Canyons using a Software-Defined Receiver Solution

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Niehoefer/etal/2013b
Author Niehoefer, Brian and Schweikowski, Florian and Wietfeld, Christian
Title {S}mart {C}onstellation {S}election for {P}recise {V}ehicle {P}ositioning in {U}rban {C}anyons using a {S}oftware-{D}efined {R}eceiver {S}olution
Booktitle 20th Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology
Address Namur, Belgium
Month Nov.
Year 2013
Projekt SFB876-B4
niehoefer_etal_2013b.pdf [1503 KB]
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