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Ahrens/etal/2013a: Detection of Patient Subgroups with Differential Expression in Omics Data: A Comprehensive Comparison of Univariate Measures

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Ahrens/etal/2013a
Author Maike Ahrens and Michael Turewicz and Swaantje Casjens and Caroline May and Beate Pesch and Christian Stephan and Dirk Woitalla and Ralf Gold and Thomas Brüning and Helmut E. Meyer and Jörg Rahnenführer and Martin Eisenacher
Title Detection of Patient Subgroups with Differential Expression in Omics Data: A Comprehensive Comparison of Univariate Measures
Journal {PLoS} {ONE}
Volume 8
Number 11
Pages e79380
Year 2013
Projekt SFB876-A3
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