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Feld/etal/2013a: Proteinase-Activated Receptor-2 Agonist Activates Anti-Influenza Mechanisms and Modulates IFNgamma-Induced Antiviral Pathways in Human Neutrophils

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Feld/etal/2013a
Author Feld, Micha and Shpacovitch, Victoria and Christina, Ehrhardt and Fastrich, Michaela and Goerge, Tobias and Ludwig, Stephan and Steinhoff, Martin
Title Proteinase-Activated Receptor-2 Agonist Activates Anti-Influenza Mechanisms and Modulates IFNgamma-Induced Antiviral Pathways in Human Neutrophils
Journal BioMed Research International
Year 2013
Projekt SFB876-B2
feld_etal_2013a.pdf [2859 KB]
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