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Biskup/etal/2013a: Privacy through Uncertainty in Location-Based Services

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Biskup/etal/2013a
Author Merrill, Shawn and Basalp, Nilgun and Biskup,Joachim and Buchmann, Erik and Clifton, Chris and Kuijpers, Bart and Othman, Walied and Savas, Erkay
Title Privacy through Uncertainty in Location-Based Services
Booktitle International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM (2))
Pages 67-72
Abstract Location-Based Services (LBS) are becoming more
prevalent. While there are many benefits, there are also real
privacy risks. People are unwilling to give up the benefits - but
can we reduce privacy risks without giving up on LBS entirely?
This paper explores the possibility of introducing uncertainty into
location information when using an LBS, so as to reduce privacy
risk while maintaining good quality of service. This paper also
explores the current uses of uncertainty information in a selection
of mobile applications.
Year 2013
Projekt SFB876-A5
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