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Shpacovitch/etal/2013a: Application of Surface Plasmone Resonance Imaging (SPRi) for the Selective Detection of single HIV-Virus-like Particles (HIV-VLPs)

Bibtype Misc
Bibkey Shpacovitch/etal/2013a
Author Shpacovitch, Victoria and Temchura, Vladimir and Überla, Klaus and Zybin, Alexander
Title Application of Surface Plasmone Resonance Imaging (SPRi) for the Selective Detection of single HIV-Virus-like Particles (HIV-VLPs)
Booktitle 8th Deutsches BioSensor Symposium (DBS 2013), March 10-13th, 2013, (oral presentation)
Year 2013
Projekt SFB876-B2
shpacovitch_etal_2013a.pdf [351 KB]
shpacovitch_etal_2013a_2.pdf [198 KB]
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