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Bohnen/etal/2013b: Systematic Procedure for leveling of low volume and high mix production

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Bohnen/etal/2013b
Author Bohnen, Fabian and Buhl, Matthias and Deuse, Jochen
Title Systematic Procedure for leveling of low volume and high mix production
Journal CIRP Journal od Manufacturing Science and Technology
Volume 6
Number 1
Pages 53-58
Abstract The application of conventional leveling approaches is limited to large scale production. This paper
presents a systematic procedure for leveling of low volume and high mix production. It employs clustering techniques to group product types into product families. After that, a family-based leveling pattern is created which describes a repetitive sequence of capacity slots considering all families. According to the leveling pattern, each family is manufactured within a periodic interval. The paper provides a brief overview of the systematic procedure. It focuses on the creation of the leveling pattern using operations research methods and presents a real life application.
Year 2013
Projekt SFB876-B3
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