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Bretz/etal/2012a: FACT - The first G-APD Cherenkov telescope (first results)

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Bretz/etal/2012a
Author Bretz, T. and Dorner, D. and Backes, M. and Biland, A. and Buß, J. and Commichau, V. and Djambazov, L. and Eisenacher, D. and Grimm, O. and von Gunten, H. and et al.
Editor Aharonian, F.A. and Hofmann, W. and Rieger, F.M.
Title FACT - The first G-APD Cherenkov telescope (first results)
Booktitle American Institute of Physics Conference Series
Series American Institute of Physics Conference Series
Volume 1505
Pages 773-776
Month December
Year 2012
Projekt SFB876-C3
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