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Lohmann/etal/2012a: The Aspect-Aware Design and Implementation of the CiAO Operating-System Family

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Lohmann/etal/2012a
Author Daniel Lohmann and Olaf Spinczyk and Wanja Hofer and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat
Editor Gary T. Leavens and Shigeru Chiba and Michael Haupt and Klaus Ostermann and Eric Wohlstadter
Title The Aspect-Aware Design and Implementation of the {CiAO} Operating-System Family
Booktitle Transactions on AOSD IX
Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Number 7271
Pages 168--215
Publisher Springer-Verlag
Year 2012
Projekt SFB876-A1, SFB876-A4
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