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Abbasi/etal/2012e: Multiyear search for dark matter annihilations in the Sun with the AMANDA-II and IceCube detectors

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Abbasi/etal/2012e
Author {Abbasi}, R. and {Abdou}, Y. and {Abu-Zayyad}, T. and {Ackermann}, M. and {Adams}, J. and {Andeen}, K. and {Aguilar}, J.A. and {Ahlers}, M. and {Altmann}, D. and {Auffenberg}, J. and et al.
Title Multiyear search for dark matter annihilations in the Sun with the AMANDA-II and IceCube detectors
Journal Physical Review D
Volume 85
Number 4
Pages 042002
Month February
Year 2012
Projekt SFB876-C3
Url http://prd.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v85/i4/e042002
abbasi_etal_2012e.pdf [765 KB]
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