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Ide/etal/2012b: Influence of M2M Communication on the Physical Resource Utilization of LTE

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Ide/etal/2012b
Author Ide, Christoph and Dusza, Bjoern and Putzke, Markus and Mueller, Christian and Wietfeld, Christian
Title Influence of M2M Communication on the Physical Resource Utilization of LTE
Booktitle Proc. of the 11th Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2012)
Address London, UK
Publisher IEEE
Month 4
Year 2012
Projekt SFB876-A4, SFB876-B4
ide_etal_2012b.pdf [579 KB]
ide_etal_2012b.pdf [579 KB]
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