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Cumeras/etal/2012a: Stability and alignment of MCC/IMS devices

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Cumeras/etal/2012a
Author Cumeras R. and Schneider, T. and Favrod, P. and Figueras, E.and Gràcia, I. and Maddula, S. and Baumbach, J. I.
Title Stability and alignment of MCC/IMS devices
Abstract There are numerous analytical detection methods available for human breath investigations. The major spectrometricmethods used are proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PRT-MS) [1–5], selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) [6–10], solid phase micro extraction-gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (SPME-GC/ MS) [11–14], and multi-capillary column coupled to ion mobility spectrometry (MCC/IMS) [15–20]. In all cases mentioned, a non–invasive and an easy method for early diagnosis or therapy monitoring are developed by identifying disease-specific biomarkers in the breath of patients.
Obviously, if the results of these studies are to be valid, consideration of sampling techniques, and the comparison of the inhaled and the exhaled air are some fundamental requirements.
Small changes within the room air can affect the difference between room air and exhaled breath depending on the method selected, for example, patients suffering lung cancer and healthy volunteers. Therefore, in the present paper a study of the stability of two volatiles present in room air ion mobility spectrometry measurements over 6 months is reported, and also the variability of these two volatiles for different MCC/IMS devices is also described.
The present paper considers the influence of temperature and other parameters with small variations in the instrumentation.
General remarks could be found in [21, 22], the influence of temperature in [23–32], pressure in [33], electric field in [34, 35], carrier gas flow [23, 31], geometrical parameters [36, 37]. Therefore, we discuss the inter-comparison of different instruments. Theoretical aspects and in-depth explanations regarding the operating conditions of the MCC/IMS were discussed in the literature mentioned above. The present paper deals with practical points that are to be considered while intercomparing different instruments and show, that a proper alignment is really needed for such purpose.
Year 2012
Projekt SFB876-B1
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