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Preuss/etal/2011a: On the Inference-Proofness of Database Fragmentation Satisfying Confidentiality Constraints

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Preuss/etal/2011a
Author Biskup, Joachim and Preuß, Marcel and Wiese, Lena
Editor Xuejia Lai and Jianying Zhou and Hui Li
Title On the Inference-Proofness of Database Fragmentation Satisfying Confidentiality Constraints
Booktitle Proceedings of the 14th Information Security Conference (ISC 2011)
Series LNCS
Volume 7001
Pages 246-261
Publisher Springer
Abstract Confidentiality of information should be preserved despite the emergence of data outsourcing. An existing approach is supposed to achieve confidentiality by vertical fragmentation and without relying on encryption. Although prohibiting unauthorised (direct) accesses to confidential information, this approach has so far ignored the fact that attackers might infer sensitive information logically by deduction. In this article vertical fragmentation is modelled within the framework of Controlled Query Evaluation (CQE) allowing for inference-proof answering of queries. Within this modelling the inference-proofness of fragmentation is proved formally, even if an attacker has some a priori knowledge in terms of a rather general class of semantic database constraints.
Year 2011
Projekt SFB876-A5
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