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Anderhub/etal/2011c: FACT - The first Cherenkov telescope using a G-APD camera for TeV gamma-ray astronomy

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Anderhub/etal/2011c
Author Anderhub, H. and Backes, M. and Biland, A. and Boller, A. and Braun, I. and Bretz, T. and Commichau, S. and Commichau, V. and Domke, M. and Dorner, D. and et al.
Title FACT - The first Cherenkov telescope using a G-APD camera for TeV gamma-ray astronomy
Journal Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
Volume 639
Pages 58-61
Month May
Year 2011
Projekt SFB876-C3
anderhub_etal_2011c.pdf [122 KB]
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