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Timm/etal/2011a: Improving Nanoobject Detection in Optical Biosensor Data

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Timm/etal/2011a
Author Timm, Constantin and Libuschewski, Pascal and Siedhoff, Dominic and Weichert, Frank and Müller, Heinrich and Marwedel, Peter
Editor Callaos, N. et al
Title Improving Nanoobject Detection in Optical Biosensor Data
Booktitle Proceedings of the 15th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2011
Volume II
Pages 236-240
Address Orlando, Florida, USA
Publisher IIIS
Abstract The importance of real-time capable mobile biosensors increases in face of rising numbers of global virus epidemics. Such biosensors can be used for on-site diagnosis, e.g. at airports, to prevent further spread of virus-transmitted diseases, by answering the question whether or not a sample contains a certain virus. In-depth laboratory analysis might furthermore demand for measurements of the concentration of virus particles in a sample. The novel PAMONO sensor technique allows for accomplishing both tasks. One of its basic prerequisites is an efficient analysis of the biosensor image data by means of digital image processing and classification. In this study, we present a high performance approach to this analysis: The diagnosis whether a virus occurs in the sample can be carried out in real-time with high accuracy. An estimate of the concentration can be obtained in real-time as well, if that concentration is not too high.

The contribution of this work is an optimization of our processing pipeline used for PAMONO sensor data analysis. The following objectives are optimized: detection-quality, speed and consumption of resources (e.g. energy, memory). Thus our approach respects the constraints imposed by medical applicability, as well as the constraints on resource consumption arising in embedded systems. The parameters to be optimized are descriptive (virus appearance parameters) and hardware-related (design space exploration).
Year 2011
Projekt SFB876-B2
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